My name:

Jashanpreet Singh aka json singh. I got the name (more like it adopted me) json because that is what I deal with on a daily basis. For uncool people (just kidding!), json stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

My stack:

I have been in the industry for 6 years and have absolutely enjoyed being a tech nerd. My heart lies in working with GIS technologies. My main stack is React, Python/Node, Postgres (in AWS), making me a full stack developer.

I also dabble in PostGIS, QGIS, Timescale, Geoserver and system architectures.

Why computers:

While working with computers was my choice, I did not imagine it to be anything like the world knows now. I thought it would be cool (like playing a video game!) but it turned out to be much cooler than that. To me, seeing bits and pieces coming together to create something β€œnew” feels like magic (which is oddly satisfying).

What interests me:

New challenges and learning opportunities in the tech domain especially in GIS. That is my way of saying - anything and everything GIS tech related. Open source projects are icing on the cake for me.

I promise to take you out for a meal if we can talk about Cloud Native Geospatial, Digital Twin, GIS, Open Data, or Spatial Temporal Mapping and Management.

My future plans:

Start a new company maybe? But till then, perhaps create a map with GOD MODE πŸ’€ !!

If you would like to discuss any of this or know hacks to not being controlled by cats (I have two!) : Get In Touch

Btw, meet Neko(left) and Gato(right):

Cats: Neko & Gato

πŸ“š Education

Bachelor of Technology with Specialization in Open Source and Open Standards

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)
Dehradun, India
Batch of 2014 - 2018